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Stumbling upon Andrea Banzon’s Blog, I came across a post about Frozen Yogurt and to my surprise, it is one of my favourite treats so I just had to re-post about it. The post mentions Qoola, a local based frozen yogurt company that has started small but has been rising in popularity in the recent years. Their expansion into Burnaby and Richmond as well as the Philippines have caught consumers attention all over (Qoola, 2012). Why? Because of how healthy it is compared to it’s alternatives like ice cream or other fattening desserts (Banzon 2012). I find this is a smart move by Qoola because of their brand positioning and how they have settled into their own niche of healthy products. Not only have they identified their products as nutritious, their competitive advantage of customization with additional toppings makes them unique and stand out from other frozen yogurt sellers in the local neighbourhood. You may wonder how I know so much about the company, and it is because I had a friend that has worked at Qoola and with freebies of yogurt given to me, I had got sucked into the frozen yogurt trend. I found their subtle techniques highly effective which evidently had me bringing my loved ones to Qoola frequently to enjoy their tasty wholesome delights.


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