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Within the past decade, technology has evolved immensely and everything is becoming more and more digitalized. Advertising has surely kept up in pace with these changes. The market for “mobile advertising is booming,” and companies are spending a lot more money onto these mobile advertisements because that is where people are starting to spend most of their time. Not many people have the liberty of purchasing a magazine anymore, and therefore, advertisements within magazines are becoming less effective with the technological revolution. Alternatively, people are spending more time on their phones, browsing social media websites, or doing something of their interest on their mobile devices. This has led companies to put more effort into placing their advertisements in places where people are going to look more frequently. You may have noticed advertisements whilst browsing Facebook on your mobile devices, or even when you’re playing your favourite game. Even Instagram, the popular social media application for sharing photos, will start to have advertisements on news feeds within the next couple of months.

Mobile advertisements make up 160 million dollars of the total amount spent for digital advertising. Revenues from paid mobile media are expected to be 50% greater than they were last year, and it doesn’t seem like these gains are going to stop anytime soon. The market for mobile advertising is still relatively young and there are still many ways for companies to improve the usage of their investment into mobile marketing. As technology continues to improves, the way of mobile marketing will continue to change with new and more innovative ways for companies to reach out to their target market. I strongly believe that within the next decade, digital and more specifically, mobile advertising, will develop into one of the largest advertising mediums of the 21st century.

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