Post-Secondary Ramblings

Using Laptops in Class

with 2 comments

The other day my friend was sitting in my CHEM 123 lecture and was on her laptop. I looked around, and then whispered to her “You know there are only two people here using a laptop? You’re one of them.” She replied back with “Why is your class so keener?”

I’ve been asked on more than one occasion why I don’t like using laptops during class to take notes. It’s not really that I don’t like it, I just find it really impractical for science courses. In the time that it takes me to properly format a chemical equation or math formula, I could’ve taken half a page of handwritten notes. Having to draw diagrams is another story.

In short, I don’t find a laptop all that useful in my courses except to keep me entertained, but I already have my iPhone for that. I honestly don’t think that it’s necessary to own a laptop once you enter university. I have a friend that uses a desktop and when he needs to use a laptop at school, he heads to Koerner. Having said that, owning a laptop definitely makes things more convenient.

Written by Renee

April 6th, 2011 at 7:39 pm

Posted in Academics

2 Responses to 'Using Laptops in Class'

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  1. I find that people who use laptops to “keep up” don’t exactly have the best note-taking techniques. You shouldn’t have to keep up. Just jot down the important bits…


    6 Apr 11 at 9:00 pm

  2. Take a class like MICB 302 where you take ~8 pages of notes per class… …then you’ll see where a laptop is useful ;D


    23 Apr 11 at 11:39 am

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