Orientations are over!

This year I was lucky to be both a GALA group leader and an Imagine MUG leader, and they were both amazing experiences!

I would be lying if I said that it’s not about the shirts, I love my new I AM UBC purple shirts… but I would also be lying if I said it’s only (or even mostly) about the shirts. I love the fact that I got to help out new students as they begin this journey into UBC.

Orientations were fun and inspiring, but they don’t end here. Now it’s up to everyone to get excited about UBC, trying out new things, learning lots and especially making new friends.

I can’t wait. As I sat at the Pep Rally today I couldn’t help feeling like a first year all over again, all the excitement and the nervousness and the not knowing what’s going to happen… I’m definitely looking forward to all the WOW people that I will meet this year and I hope you are too.

See you around stranger !

About Valentina

I'm from a small and beautiful town next to a big and amazing lake in Guatemala.
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