Author Archives: Valentina

About Valentina

I'm from a small and beautiful town next to a big and amazing lake in Guatemala.

Of boots and leaders

My first week back has been packed. There have been small things, like discovering that one of my two plants dried up, and big things, like attending the SLC. I won’t go into great detail about the SLC, it’s enough … Continue reading

Posted in Recreation | 3 Comments

One Eighth

It’s the first of January and I’m sitting in a hammock under the sun. Weird, right? I can’t imagine how hard it’s going to be to go back to rainy and cold Vancouver in a few days. I’m happy though, … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas everyone!! Have a great time and enjoy it where ever you are :)

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On Obama and Peace

Just a quick note to vent my indignation with Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize… What is wrong with these people? He totally does not deserve it. If you haven’t heard his speech, please take a look at it here. … Continue reading

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3 Finals, 1 Term Paper and 8 Days…

…until I go home!! I’m attempting to study in Koerner’s 1st floor, but all that I seem to concentrate on is whether or not this can be considered an  underground floor… Any ideas? Anyway, I think that a short summary … Continue reading

Posted in Academics | 2 Comments

Letter to the Arts AMS Council Members

Dear Arts AMS Council Members, My name is Valentina Vargas Ricca and I am an international student from Guatemala. I understand that there is a motion to remove the International Representative Seat from the AMS Council. I have to say … Continue reading

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Go Global update

Carol Zachs, from Go Global, put this comment in response to the Go Global Fiasco post. Please read it, as it offers some useful information about opportunities to travel to African countries as a UBC student. Unfortunately, for a wide … Continue reading

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Iguazu falls, Brazil and Argentina

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meet your dean – yet another update

As I mentioned somewhere else on this blog, the dean of Arts, Nancy Gallini, had a Meet your Dean session last Wednesday. First of all, I was super impressed by the turn out. The Dean’s office, the AMS, the AUS, … Continue reading

Posted in Academics, AMS, Faculty, Residence Life | Leave a comment

Go Global Fiasco

For the last month I’ve been super excited about Go Global. I kept imagining myself doing a beautiful term abroad, learning and living in South Africa. O Africa. [youtube][/youtube] Today I equipped myself with boots and umbrella and came to … Continue reading

Posted in International | 8 Comments