Author Archives: Valentina

About Valentina

I'm from a small and beautiful town next to a big and amazing lake in Guatemala.

The making of a sand mandala

I was absolutely amazed by how the Tibetan monks made the sand mandala over the last 7 days in the MoA. Here is a short video about it… [youtube][/youtube]

Posted in Spirituality | 1 Comment

Tibetan Monks in Residence

I keep being amazed by the number of opportunities to experience and live other cultures here in Vancouver.  Starting today there will be five Tibetan monks for seven days in the Museum of Anthropology. They will be making a sand … Continue reading

Posted in Spirituality | 1 Comment


I’d just like to let anyone interested in the topic of my previous post that Nancy Gallini, the Dean of Arts, has made available another space for discussing the issue of violence and rape on campus. It will be this … Continue reading

Posted in Faculty | 1 Comment

Meet the Dean

Every first Wednesday of the month Nancy Gallini, the dean of Arts, hosts a discussion session with any interested Arts student in MASS (BUCH D140).  Today’s focus was on a controversial article published last month in The Underground, the official … Continue reading

Posted in Faculty | 3 Comments

Free food on campus

I was originally planning on getting a degree in Human Geography or Latin American Studies… however, it looks as if my degree might end up being a little bit more gastronomy oriented. How about doing four years of undergraduate studies … Continue reading

Posted in Recreation, Residence Life, Wellness | 3 Comments

Note-taking ?

As my mid-terms finally start (and hopefully end) I have come to understand why there are so many note-taking workshops. I thought it would be funny to share with you sample notes from two of my classes. The first one … Continue reading

Posted in Academics | 1 Comment

Bridge to a Cool Planet

  This Saturday, October 24th, thousands of people are joining more than 4000 events in 169 countries to create awareness about global climate change.  Students in history have united and CHANGED THE WORLD with their demonstrations. They have spoken out. … Continue reading

Posted in Involvement / Leadership, Recreation, Sustainability, Wellness | Leave a comment


Morgan’s post reminded me that I haven’t posted anything about the trees even though I’m amazed by them every day. In Guatemala we have rainy season and not-rainy season, pretty straightforward. So here is a small thing that I wrote in my notebook … Continue reading

Posted in Recreation | Leave a comment

apple festival

Have you been to the botanical gardens? they are super beautiful, I went today and I felt that I wasn’t in UBC anymore (not that UBC isn’t beautiful)… if you want to go, you should go this sunday… why? the … Continue reading

Posted in Recreation | Leave a comment


What is I.Blogs? well… you know how I.House is International House? I.Blogs from now on will be International Blogs (in my blog). I will be searching the web for blogs that can give us UBC students a good idea of … Continue reading

Posted in International | Leave a comment