Coming across a social enterprise is always an extremely heart warming experience. This is because businesses such as SoleRebel and Toms Shoes are able to integrate running a business and societal Value.
However, i gravitated more towards SoleRebels. Even though both companies have great external effects. SoleRebels is much more effective. Now, you may wonder why, especially since it is significantly smaller than Toms Shoes. But, soleRebels process is much more effective on the smaller community than Toms Effect is worldwide.
SoleRebels provides ; 4 times Minimum wage, Medical coverage(The company goes to the extent of bringing certified doctors to the employees as commuting to government hospitals would take hours of commuting), transportation for workers with disabilities and has refused to incorporate the quota system in wage payments.Paired with their community involvement and major sustainability achievements, SoleRebel not only provides a progressive and comfortable environment for the employees but also has given the community as a whole to stand up on its own feet.
Providing employment and these benefits allows members of the community to learn , grow and provides financial security. Because SoleRebels is manufacturing in only Ethiopia at the moment they are able to give full and efficient attention to the community. Quality >quantity, Helping less people but more effectively may actually be more beneficial than helping many people but less-wholly.
This brings me to Toms Shoes. As commendable as their ethos is, there are multiple other aspects to consider. Yes, provision of shoes, clean water and safe child-birth methods will make a child’s day(s) better. But is this sustainable? How are we working on the problem that is poverty? the ratio of places Toms manufactures to the places donate is inequal. Meaning a lot of countries communities receive donations but not financial security. Something that SoleRebels has effectively strucutred in Ethiopia.