During our class on social enterprise, something that caught my eye was the way it was defined. We all think of social enterprise as running a business(and we wonder if its profitable) to help others; Children in need, the environment etc.
But a new , an actually enlightening definition I learnt this lesson was that a social enterprise can simply mean, having a positive impact on another individual.
This is what I saw in the Guardian’s post about a very innovative social enterprise “Room for tea?
Simply integrating two social impacts together, and running it as a business. Room for tea is impacting not just the lives of the tenant  but also the host. It may not be feeding the homeless, or providing clothing to children in areas of distress but it is creating a positive impact in many lives. And at the end of the day, a positive impact is a positive impact.

Room for Tea is many of the new social enterprises that are bringing forward new and innovative ways in which to create shared value. The more simplistic social enterprises become, the more people understand the importance of it.