I decided to save my last blog post for a topic which I have found extremely interesting since day one. “Positioning”. I find it so intriguing that company’s can get into our heads, climb up a mental ladder and place their brand right at the top!
Now that I think of it, it’s almost like magic..Yes, magic. One day you see an advertisement, or hear something and the next you are like “Oh, ‘Apple’ ?” I love their products! It could be something as simple as a detergent, but once it positions itself in your mind , it sticks . (I mean, I always buy the same detergent!)
There is no better way to frame this than company’s making their brand a” status symbol” , as Giacommo Macchi wrote on his blog. He talks of GoPro in particular, and how they very effectively they have created a distinguished image of the brand and made customers want to Identify with it and what it stands for. Once a brand positions itself in our heads, we somehow become loyal to them. We feel proud or happy to associate ourselves with this. We get a “status” from using/owning a certain product.
Point to note:
This is a very psychological and interesting aspect of business I feel, but I have come to question the ethics of this as well. I mean, it’s a great tactic yes, but how do different companies use it? Do we use positioning in the right light? Or do we get into consumers heads and send a message that may not be socially acceptable…