
And now we begin… (my introduction)

Hello everyone! My name is Abi Franceschetti and I am one of the many students in Rmst202. I think it is sort of cool that the course is structured like this where we write blog posts in a setting like this compared to canvas and all, so that will be exciting! Im a first year who doesn’t know what she wants to major in, so maybe this course will be a source of inspiration as to what i’d like to dedicate my degree to (or not; but I’m optimistic that I will very much enjoy this class). Some of my interests include music, tv shows and movies, and watching sports such as hockey. Over this years winter break, I got a bit sick which led me to doing nothing but sudoku’s and puzzles, so I suppose that they’re also interests of mine lol. I enjoy travelling, although I haven’t been doing any really due to the current state of the world (#pandemiclife). It’s always been on my bucket list to go to Australia and New Zealand, so maybe I will be able to travel there someday. Guess I can’t travel to the romance world though (ha ha. That was a reference to the introductory lecture, just in case that made no sense to you, the reader. Apologies for this tangent… truly.)

Now, back to discussion about the course. I have never taken a literature course, or a romance studies course for that matter. All of this is very new territory for me, and sometimes that can be a little daunting. I started a bit late in the course, so I was slightly confused as I navigated my way around the website and what I needed to do in order to check things off my to-do list for this course. However, I feel like that will be a temporary sentiment and I’d like to try and get into ‘the groove of things’ soon. I expect that this course will be slightly demanding, but for good reason. Aside from learning lots about these novels and engaging course content, I hope to learn more about organizing myself to thrive within a literature course. I want to become more in tune with what it means to be an effective analyzer of literary works, especially within this class’ context. I am looking forward to engaging with my classmates’ blog contributions in order to help my learning and help theirs as well! Now, I cheers to a wonderful start to this course, and to the semester as a whole. Best wishes and I look forward to embarking on a wonderful literary journey with you all.

