Weekly Book Blog

W, or the Memory of Childhood Review

W, or the Memory of Childhood is kind of a confusing book that is open for many interpretations. The fact that it was a story written with different narratives and storylines was something I had not read that often, which was kind of interesting. I can absolutely see the postmodern influence of Perec’s writing all throughout the book, for a multitude of reasons. One of these reasons being the creation of the Island ‘W’, which was very similar to the Olympics and the Olympic Village. However, once I began to read more into that storyline that it seems like an analogy for concentration camps. Something that makes me think of this is because of the emphasis on the authority over the athletes and how being an athlete is incredibly strenuous. A specific quote that almost affirmed this idea was this one, “If you just look at the Athletes, if you just look: in their striped gear they look like caricatures of turn-of-the-century sportsmen as, with their elbows in, they lunge into a grotesque sprint”. I highly doubt that the reference of ‘striped gear’ was coincidentally put into the narrative, when individuals placed in concentration camps were forced to wear striped clothing. The realization that what Perec is writing about alludes to something way more serious is incredibly bittersweet and telling of the authors life. I know that the book was sort of influenced by Perec’s life, but I find it sort of difficult to decipher which parts of his life are true and false within the novel. This has me thinking about Jon’s lecture on the book, and how this type of autobiographical fiction could arguably be considered a form of narcissism. I have yet to come to a conclusion as to whether this novel could fall under that category, but I do have a feeling that parts of the novel were changed to be more engaging and compelling. 

Something else that I found very consistent was the mentioning of the main characters childhood; It seems so obvious, as it is literally in the title of the novel, but it is so constant within the book. I found the constant mentioning of memories to be kind of nice, but sometimes sad. It is hard because the main character doesn’t really remember his childhood, and has very few memories of his parents. I found that a lot of these memories seem like they’re being woven together by the desire to have something to remember his parents by. I can understand the difficulty of trying to remember something from so long ago, but it pains me that he has to piece so little of what memories he has left with things his brain is trying to fill in for him. This book is packed with meaning, allegories and metaphors, and I think many people should read it. The way that its written is sort of secretive, and I believe that was the authors intention. My final question I have is how would the story differ if it was written without the postmodern influence the novel has? Is there any way to have W, or the Memory of Childhood without having postmodernism in the novel?


So, I have just finished reading Proust’s Combray. In my opinion, I would say that this is a compelling novel that is relatively complicated and dense at times. It was not one of my favourite books. Nevertheless, there were many different aspects to the novel in which I found interesting, thought-provoking, and allowed me to pose different questions and takes on the book.

One of the most salient events that grabbed my attention (partially thanks to the lecture that helped clarify this) was the in-depth section in which the narrator longs for his mothers kiss. Assuming you’ve read Combray, but this description goes on for quite a while, and in very descriptive detail. For example, the narrative recalls how when M. Swann would come over in the evenings and for dinner, mamma would not kiss him goodnight, instilling great sadness within him (Proust, 1928/1992). Some time after this account, the narrator want’s to send his mother a letter so that she can come and see to him before sleep. During this moment, especially when M. Swann is dining with the narrator’s parents, I think that the decision to communicate with his mother is a rather risky one. Alongside the narrator’s obsession with his mother, I found that another common theme within the novel was the thought put into the way that people present themselves. During the narrators decision to send a note or not to his mother, he considers what M. Swann will think of him if he interrupts his visit (Proust, 1928/1992). Furthermore, the narrator’s family does not think of speaking about certain aspects of Swann’s personal life in front of him, but do so with ease once he is gone. If the narrator’s family were to be critical of Swann’s actions and life in front of him, that could prove to be a very disrespectful and inappropriate character. Something that I thought of when considering the importance characters place on the presentation of character was ‘is this theme consistent with the cultural norms of people during the time in which Combray was written?’ 

I want to go back to the narrators obsession with his mother and her kiss, because it was something that stood out to me so consistently. In relation to that, there was reference to how the narrator’s father strongly opposed such actions like receiving a goodnight kiss from mamma. Through this event in the novel, the theme of family and its role and influence on the narrator. The narrators family is a very salient part of the novel, especially due to the fact that the first part of Combray is a flash back to when the narrator was young, so the adults were a part of his upbringing quite a lot. Although it was a minor reference, I recall reading a line that had to do with the narrator claiming his father had a superior mind in comparison to his father (page 12 of the copy of Combray in which I read). Furthermore, there were certain references to the anxiety that his encounters with his family members (especially his father) gave him. I wonder how exactly the subject of anxiety was dealt with and perceived by the first or original audiences of Combray; how does the presence of fragility, confusion, and sometimes sadness sit with readers, if there is a certain expectation for men? 

Lastly, I found that the narrator’s perspective and accounts were a bit unreliable. I think this because there were certain parts of the novel in which the point of view switched from first person to third person omniscient. Furthermore, the novel switched from present to flashback every once in a while, which I found a bit confusing to follow (although I tried!!). My final question I want to leave blog readers is this: Did Proust intentionally or unintentionally write the narrator as unreliable? Or is the presence of an unreliable narrator a product of creating literature? Ah, the thoughts that riddle my mind after reading this novel.

Until next time,

Abi Franceschetti

I hope you enjoy the meme that sort of relates to Combray lol.


Proust, M. (1992) In Search Of Lost Time Volume 1 Swann’s Way. Translated by C. K Scott Moncrieff, T. Kilmartin. New York: Random House, Inc. 

Weekly Book Blog

Thoughts on Proust’s Combray
