Video Footage in use to Prosecute Toronto Mayor

Toronto Mayer Rob Ford is alleged to have gang involvement, since video footage was discovered of him with gang members. It is an unfortunate circumstance for the mayor to be in, but from the media’s perspective he does not appear to be particularly phased, claiming that he is going to continue to do his job and allow the courts to deal with the matter.

The recovered evidence in the form of digital video footage is an example of data well managed by Management Information Systems (MIS). It is well known that having large amounts of data is of no use if it cannot be interpreted. Without an organized MIS, the footage that is being used to prosecute Ford may never have been of any use. Continued diligence in defining the actual purpose of MIS projects is fundamental for the projects to be successful, and one day make access to information they provide easier.

Rob Ford says he won’t resign after Toronto police say they found video

Planned Obsolescence

Are Apple products intentionally made to break down over a few years? Users of the iPhone 4 and previous models are beginning to question the durability of their devices. Batteries are dying, phones are responding painfully slowly… It would seem that Apple has intended it to be this way, so these consumers will be pressured to upgrade.

Planned obsolescence is a way to describe how companies are making their products unwanted after a few years. This theory fits well with Friedman’s outlook regarding the sole will of companies; to maximize profits. Profits are sales x price; so maximizing sales is a fundamental part of the profit equation. If people’s products break down sooner rather than later, they will be under pressure to buy a new product. By creating a phone that has a finite lifespan, combined with the vigorous marketing campaign implemented by Apple, they are maximizing profits through increased sales.

          “Planned obsolescence or built-in obsolescence in industrial design is a policy of planning or designing a product with a limited useful life.” 


Apple’s planned obsolescence and conspiracy theories

The Significance of Secondary Data

Japanese Encephalitis Kills and permanently damages tens of thousands of the world’s poorest each year. This considered, a vaccine actually exists to cure Japanese Encephalitis. The issue was making the vaccine affordable to the world’s poorest.

A non profit foundation out of Seattle called PATH took action, contacting the CNBG, the Chinese National Biotec Group to make the vaccine available to the world’s poorest. What was once too expensive, have been made affordable by PATH. Explicitly, the benefits of PATH’s action are clear; these people are no longer going to be affected by Japanese Encephalitis. Implicitly, a new outlet of medicinal breakthrough has formed. This is the first vaccine made available to the world by China, increasing awareness that information that may be of little significance to them, can make a great difference elsewhere.

The WHO has prequalified the vaccine, and many of the world’s poorest can thank a Chinese vaccine Manufacturer for offering life-changing secondary data.

Source: A Big Milestone for Saving Children

Get a Grip, America

America’s government is currently shut down.

This seems problematic, and it is. How can the US find a way to battle its massive debt, when it is not even able to resolve a dispute as simple as Obamacare? Albeit, Obamacare is complex, but it is insignificant in light of what is coming towards the end of October; the national debt ceiling. In America, it seems more important to argue over the costs of providing healthcare than actually providing affordable healthcare. I find the economic crisis in America very frustrating, considering how little actually gets done. The spending simply needs to decline, because the more we spend the richer we are making China (16.7 Trillion $ so far.) At what point is this going to become apparent to America? Soon, I hope, because it is only making more of a mess for itself.

The American Government needs a new perspective, one that can refresh the mundane bickering that the Political scene has fallen victim to. The American government needs to at least put food on the tables of all its people (46m of which are under the poverty line) with the borrowed money, not spend it on lost causes like the maintenance of a White House that is currently shut down by its own incompetence.

Please America,

  • Stop putting yourself into more debt
  • Fix the issue of widespread poverty

And Democrats and Republicans, stop being winy. Being productive is a much more rewarding pursuit.