The University of British Columbia
Got Consent? is an awareness-raising campaign that creatively touches upon the necessity for consent to be present during all sexual encounters. To keep the idea of sexual consent in mind, “Got Consent?” is inscribed on clothing items, which includes t-shirts, tank tops, hot shorts, and boxer-briefs. The intention of the campaign is to educate the public about the necessity for consent to be present in all sexual encounters. Got Consent? clothing can be purchased at the following locations.
1. The UBC Wellness Centre @ Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, Room 183 (bottom level)
2. My Sister’s Closet, Social Enterprise of Battered Women’s Support Services @ 1092 Seymour Street, Vancouver
3. The Sexual Assault Support Centre at UBC @ 6138 Student Union Boulevard, UBC Vancouver Student Union Building Office 119A during office hours
4. The Outpost in the Student Union Building at UBC @ 6138 Student Union Boulevard