Internet Sensations: Viral Youtube Videos
After cruising youtube for a few minutes (maybe it was hours), I thought about how videos become popular on the website. Most often it is due to word of mouth or a news broadcast that shares the video that then becomes watched my millions of people. When googling the subject with respect’s to blogs, a fellow student Braden Parker’s blog appeared. Having read his blog, I would agree that viral videos have a lot of potential to be used by companies to increase their followers.
The youtube famous, lip sync kid has several videos that have close to 10m hits. The potential for firm’s to use this type of video is substantial. If a relatively unknown new comer to a market used this kid in one of their videos it is highly likely that they would soon become well known. The cost of producing such a video would likely be relatively small and therefore would be viable for a small company with a small marketing budget.
When SmartWater contracted Jennifer Aniston to act as the face of their product, they highlight the potential of video going viral. So I leave you with the following video for this week to show the potential of videos going viral