What’s been happening (summarized and numericized(?) for the good of all)

  1. I got a kitten! His name is Puzzle.
  2. I dropped out of honours math…
  3. … and subsequently decided to not carry on with honors computer science as a major. I have no doubt in my mind that this was the right decision, and a conversation with my favourite professor confirmed that.
  4. I’m loving school again, though I’m excited that the term is almost over, except…
  5. …finals are in two weeks! I’m taking a much needed breather this weekend.
  6. Snow!!!

4 Responses (Add Your Comment)

  1. Are you still doubling? Or?

  2. Hey Tyler! :) By doubling, you mean double major? Not really, no… I might do a double major with Linguistics if I have the time (and if it won’t take me an extra year or something). Otherwise I may just minor in it.

  3. Your kitten is so cuteee! :DDD

    And good for you making the decision- I admire the fact that you took the big leap, and know that you’re doing it for your betterment, too.

  4. Thanks Jennine! He’s a bit of a pest, haha, but I guess the fact that he’s adorable makes up for it most of the time.

    And thank you for the second part as well. :) It was a tough choice but I was doing honors for all the wrong reasons and the payoff wasn’t good enough, in the end.

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