The beginning of the end starts… now!

It’s remarkable how fast a blog can fall by the wayside… I remember last year, when I would avidly read each and every BlogSquad post and then hit the refresh button for more, around this time there would be a lot of posts apologizing for the tardiness in posting, etc.I figured that, since I seriously have no life outside of school, I’d probably have TOO much time to update on my uneventful life, haha, but it’s been over two months since my last meaningful post.


Today is the last day of classes and I am actually sitting in my final CPSC322 lecture as I write this. (Not a big deal considering that I’m so painfully behind that, even if I make a sad attempt at paying attention, none of it makes sense.) What a horrible term this has been. The whole fiasco with that honors math class at the beginning of the year set a very badĀ precedentĀ and it’s just been a prolonged game of catchup since then. A badly played game of catchup, too. I’ve fallen behind in all of my classes and there’s no way to be getting the grades I want or the ones that I even should be getting. Which is not really a big deal. But the frustrating thing is that this happens every year. I fall into the same pattern of doing well on my first set of midterms, then gaining a false sense of confidence and slacking off, doing horribly on my second set and by the end of the year, I’m so behind that I’m hanging on by the skin of my teeth.

This is certainly no way to be a good student and it makes me uncomfortable and cranky to constantly be “just getting by” when I can do so much better. Thankfully, so far “just getting by” is still good enough to get into grad school, but I’m worried that this term will really trash my GPA. I worried about that last term, too.

You’d think that by virtue of being able to recognize such a stupid pattern, I’d be able to break it, right? Or at least make efforts to address it here and there. Yep… you’d think… sigh.

My posts are overwhelmingly pessimistic. I love Lillienne’s Things I Love Thursday… maybe I’ll get into the habit of that. :) I also have a bunch more posts that are half-written, filling up my drafts folder, and I’m looking forward to finishing those, too.

2 Responses (Add Your Comment)

  1. Oh *yes*, do join me in Things I Love Thursday! It is so much fun to do, and you feel ever so good about life afterwards.

    I think the hardest thing about school is the need to sustain motivation. I worry about my grades every term as well, and this worry usually has a further detrimental effect. What I think perhaps neither of us does is acknowledge how much we’ve already achieved. Even though it’s frustrating to not meet your own personal best, I think it’s still an incredible achievement that what is ‘just getting by’ will still allow you to get into grad school — that’s not something that anyone can do! Give yourself a pat on the back every once in a while in addition to trying to work out how to improve your studying habits. :)

  2. Eeee! I was meaning to ask you if I could join in, actually. I always look forward to your Thursday posts because they’re so positive and invariably put me in a better mood. (Plus heart bulletin points are icing on the adorable cake.) Thanks for your comments, as well. I agree that it can be way to easy to get caught up in the trap of thinking that grades are the be all and end all of our academic- (and sometimes even self-) worth. It’s definitely not a healthy thought pattern, and in my experience, it only serves to make you perform more poorly and stress you out in the meantime! Blech.

    I think the fact that any one of us has made it into UBC is definitely a huge accomplishment in and of itself, like you said. It’s important to step back and remember the big picture, sometimes. :) Good luck with your exams!

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