Things I love… Monday?

I am a bit ashamed that I’m already behind on my second Things I Love Thursday post, but a Friday exam and a Saturday full of desperate house-cleaning and a dinner party kept me firmly away from the internet… torture indeed for a computer science student. However, the upside is that I have even more lovely things to coo over:

♥ For Christmas, my boyfriend took me to get professional photos taken of my golden retriever. I love that dog more than anything in the whole world (in fact, I even have his name tattooed on my foot) and this was the best Christmas gift I could have asked for. :) I was lucky to have my incredibly talented friend Shane Oosterhoff work his magic behind the camera, and I seriously can’t wait to see how they turned out.

♥ My sweet better half also got me all sorts of wonderful gifts, including a monster hat and an adorable panda dayplanner for the new year! (I have a serious fetish for stationary, particularly the cute stuff.) The best part was that I got to give him his gifts as well, which he loved.

♥ A bunch of friends came over tonight to play boardgames and stuff ourselves with way too many desserts. I finally made a lemon meringue pie that didn’t fall to pieces. AND Cranium is the most fun game I have ever played.

♥ My kitten is growing into a lanky, awkward teenager cat and it’s adorable. He is truly my familiar- he stays up until 5am with me, drinking my tea and purring in my lap and keeping me company while I draw.

♥ Speaking of that, I’ve been drawing a whole lot again and it feels wonderful. (I was a “professional artist” (in the sense that I made a fair bit of money from selling paintings) for many years but art school ruined my love of painting, until now). I’m going to be setting up my website soon so then I can share it all. :)

♥ Did I mention that FINALS ARE DONE? Today marks my second full day of freedom and thank God for that, is all I can say.

♥ My boyfriend is going to Alberta for Christmas which sucks, but on the bright side, I am going to park myself in front of his enormous iMac computer and play videogames and draw nonstop. I am only going to move for tea and possibly pie and go to bed at 8am and not wake up until 4pm and that is a promise.

♥ … starting on Monday, I guess, since I am going to see Kid Koala at 8pm tonight (Monday) at the Biltmore. I’ll probably be exhausted but it should be fun.

Happy holidays everyone! I know the very last of you will be finishing up your exams on Tuesday, I think, so good luck. And for the rest of you that are already done, enjoy your freedom!

2 Responses (Add Your Comment)

  1. Woah. It’s weird when people blog about people you know. lol. I don’t know Shane, but I know Jamie :P

    Congrats on surviving finals :D

  2. So weird! You guys went to highschool together? Jamie is so nice. :) And congrats to you too!

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