GAP – Old vs. New

by sarahmanifold ~ January 19th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

With the recent news of Starbucks changing their logo, I was reminded of this past October when Gap briefly changed their logo.

Gap’s logo changed from the navy blue box with the capitalized white name to a simple black name with a smaller blue box in the top right corner. According to Gap, the reasoning behind the new logo was to help them appear more modern and trendy instead of their usual American style. When the logo was revealed, criticism was immediate and wide spread. The majority of disapproval could be found online; people blogged, tweeted and used facebook to share their negative thoughts on the logo. While the new logo is not a graphic masterpiece, the original was very simplistic as well. However, due to the large amounts negativity towards the new logo, after one week the original logo was brought back. To me, the Gap logo has always been an iconic symbol and even though they had good reasoning behind changing the logo, I fully agree with their decision to go back to the original.

What I wonder now is how the Gap will be able to transition into their desired market? Will they ever be successful in breaking away from their traditional designs? Or will the general public continue to criticize their attempts?

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