Super Bowl = Super Commercials

by sarahmanifold ~ January 27th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

After the Steelers and Packers won their conference titles on Sunday, Super Bowl mania has been in full force. Each year, the Super Bowl is watch by approximately 100 million people, making the three-hour game a prime time for advertisements. The networks are very aware of this fact and charge the low price of 3 million dollars for a thirty second commercial. The main question here is, is it worth it? I would say definitely. Super Bowl commercials are remembered for being spectacular and even after the game they are watched countless times online. To prove my point, I asked my sister if she remembers any commercials from the superbowl last year.

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Clearly this commercial was memorable since it is nearly a year later and she still remembers what the commercial is selling, as well as what happens in the commercial. When analyzing this commercial I would say that Bud Light is using two types of influences on consumers: affective and cognitive.

• Affective: The commercial is affective because it makes the viewers laugh. Having an enjoyable commercial to watch is going to associate laughter and thus a good memory with the product, Bud Light does this perfectly.
• Cognitive: Bud Light’s commercial is cognitive because it tells the viewers information about the beer. Merely saying, “refreshingly smooth” is telling future consumers about their beer.

The Super Bowl is a prime time event for advertising, and hopefully companies will continue to provide some comedic relief for the viewers with their commercials. I will definitely be watching on Sunday to see the commercials.

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