A Book’s Cover

by sarahmanifold ~ February 3rd, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

As you all know part of this blog assignment requires us to mention an outside blog, so I thought this week would be a good week to do so. Since I didn’t know of any marketing based blogs, I simply googled “marketing blogs” and found the blog shape+colour by Jeremy Elder. Now, I felt that this blog was more of a personal opinion and not really focused on marketing, but it did give me an idea. In Jeremy’s most recent post, he mentions the effects of good cover art and that got me thinking of the famous saying:

I know this saying does ring true on many occasions, but whenever I find myself looking at CD’s or books, I am constantly judging them by their covers. Since my sister works at the library I decided to ask her if she still judges books by their cover. Instantly she says that she always judges books by their covers.

I believe that covers act as packages for the book, which is the product. The product itself is a key part of the marketing plan and is responsible for creating value. Along with price, placement, and promotion, products make up the marketing mix – an eye-catching cover will attract potential consumers and possibly turn them into buyers.

As Jeremy mentions,

I might have passed over Glasser if I hadn’t been stopped dead in my tracks by the gorgeous cover.

Clearly, I am not the only one who is influenced by cover art. Covers are the first impression a consumer gets from a book or CD, so to anyone who is planning on writing a book or releasing a CD, make sure the cover is outstanding.

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