Got Milk?

by sarahmanifold ~ February 9th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Every week I go through the same process of trying to figure out a new blog topic and this week was no different. I found my topic after reading fellow classmate Rebecca Abel’s blog, in her most recent post “GLEEK 4 LYFE”; she mentions the Got Milk campaign, which is my topic this week.

Once decided on my topic, I went to the Got Milk website to research their marketing campaign. Some background knowledge first, the Got Milk brand was formed in 1993 by the milk processors of California who all agreed to give 3 cents of every gallon of milk sold to go towards promoting the consumption of milk. Since they have been advertising for well over a decade, I decided to focus on their “Aaron Burr” television ad and their famous milk mustache posters.

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This famous Aaron Burr commercial, I say famous because it won a lot of awards and was even listed as one of the top commercials of its decade (1990’s), was the original ad for the Got Milk campaign. I would say that this commercial is affective. It makes the viewers feel somewhat compassionate towards the guy trying to answer the question, but at the same time it makes them laugh because the whole situation is rather funny.

Moving on to the milk mustaches. Everyone has seen the posters; they feature celebrities ranging from the Olsen twins to David Beckham and from Beyonce to Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. Using celebrities act as a social influence over potential consumers. Most people have a celebrity, be it an athlete or a musician that they aspire to be like – celebrities act as an indirect social reference group.

The obvious question taken away from their advertising is, do you Got Milk?

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