
The constitution will be updated in Fall 2020. We will post the proposed changes soon for student approval.
Constitution of the American Library Association Student Chapter
University of British Columbia; School of Library, Archival and Information Studies
October 26, 2010


Official Name
The official name of this organization shall be the American Library Association Student Chapter at the University of British Columbia, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies.

The purpose and aims of this organization are:
To facilitate and encourage participation in the American Library Association. To acquaint members with goals, objectives, and resources of the American Library Association. To encourage professional contacts within the field of librarianship. To provide the members of the student chapter with official representation to the American Library Association and other relevant organizations. To actively promote involvement in professional activities beyond the classroom. To provide a local forum for the exchange of ideas and information about trends, issues, and opportunities in the profession. To develop skills and relationships that will enable students to have a creative impact on the profession. To increase awareness of contemporary issues in library and information science.

Membership Requirements
Membership shall be open to all students at the University of British Columbia. All members are encouraged to be members of the American Library Association. A member in good standing is defined as: Attending meetings and/or reading meeting notes and/or serving on a committee. An officer of this organization must be a matriculated student at the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies and a member of the American Library Association.

Meetings and activities
The chapter shall hold general membership meetings each month of the Winter 1 and 2 semesters. Activities and programs will be planned in accordance with the purposes set forth in Article II. Activities and programs sponsored by the Chapter will be open to all individuals.

Officers and Leadership
The officers of the organization shall consist of the Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Webmaster/Communications officer. If size warrants, a Leadership Board can be established and consist of the Officers, Faculty Advisor as Member Ex-Officio and Steering Committee Chairs, as set forth by the aforementioned officers. If size and/or workload requires, co-officers may be elected to assist the regular officers.

The Officers shall have the following responsibilities:

The Co-Chairs shall have the ultimate responsibility for the functioning of the organization and its relationship with ALA headquarters. Preferably, one Co-Chair shall be a second-year student and one shall be in his or her first year. The Co-Chairs shall decide together how to divide duties, including convening and conducting the general membership meeting, soliciting committee heads, and working with other Student Organizations.

The Secretary shall be responsible for internal correspondence, record keeping (including minutes, photos, promotional materials and any documents or reports generated by the group).

The Treasurer shall be responsible for financial matters pertaining to the organization.

The Webmaster/Communications Officer shall be responsible for external communications, promotional outreach and maintaining our online presence.

The Faculty Advisor shall be approved by the members of the Student Chapter. The Faculty Advisor shall act as liaison between the Student Chapter and the American Library Association and between the Student Chapter and the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies.

Elections and Terms of Office Elections:
Elections shall be held within the first month of Winter 1 semester. A call for nominations shall be put out two weeks prior to the election meeting. Candidates may be nominated by others or volunteer themselves. At the election meeting, if there is more than one candidate for an office, the vote will occur by secret ballot.

All members of the Chapter are entitled to vote for the officers of the organization.

Terms of Office: Terms for all officers shall be for one year with no restriction on the number of incumbencies. If a position goes vacant in the course of a term, an emergency election will take place to fill the vacancy at the next meeting.

Committees shall be formed as needed on a volunteer basis.

Parliamentary Procedures
All questions of parliamentary procedure shall be decided in accordance with the forms laid down in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Proposed amendments to this Constitution may be introduced by any member at any meeting, or by petition to the Chair. Ratification shall be determined by majority vote.

Ratification of this Constitution shall be determined by majority vote.