
26 October 2021: General Meeting

Meeting Agenda – October 26, 2021 – Held in Terrace Lab, IKB 4th Floor

UBC ALA Student Chapter: General Meeting


Meeting called to order: 5:03

Notes taken by club secretary: Alannah Berson




  1. Hello & Welcome
  2. Vote on October 4th Meeting Minutes
  3. LASSA Response to Email
    1. Chai Chill → questions forwarded to iSchool administration for further guidance on COVID event guidelines
      1. Department follows the provincial guidelines, (50 people which is fine given our attendance numbers)
      2. Meeting outside (for food and drink events) could help people feel comfortable, but challenging with the rain
      3. Could postpone this until next term and focus on a holiday event
    2. LASSA Discord Poll for Event Topics → we are welcome to create a poll, but LASSA asks that we do not post in too many channels 
      1.  Topics for guest speakers or workshops
  4. Event Poll 
    1. Finalize topics for guest speakers/workshops
      1. British Columbia Electronic Library Network (BC ELN) 
      2. Business librarianship
      3. Health Librarianship
        1. Know a librarian at UCSD (UBC grad) who may be interested in talking about his work -Amber
      4. UX Librarianship
      5. Technical Services Topics (metadata, backend of public libraries)
      6. Scholarly communications
      7. Webinar – Library Futures (strike)
        1. None upcoming but most are archived at Internet Archive. Possible titles to choose from include Mythbusting Controlled Digital Lending and Big Tech and Access to Information
      8. Specialized Academic Librarians from UBC (GIS, Data Librarian)
      9. Special Collections downstairs IKB
      10. Professional Development Workshop on Email Signatures (BCLA)
        1. Other library-specific development? Can begin curating list of interview questions (will be able to use this for multiple events) 
      11. Children’s librarianship (potential collab with YAACS)
    2. Choose a platform – Google poll
    3. Who will create & post? – Mandy will make & share, then we will discuss on officer’s channel
    4. ETA will be Saturday 
  5. SLA & BCLA Updates from Alannah
    1. AB will reach out about crafternoons (BCLA)
  6. Food Bank Updates from Peyton


    1. ACA → Do we want to reach out about hosting a social event soon? Perhaps a holiday theme.
      1. Teaching days finish on Dec 7th. 
      2. Probably best in 1st half of December to catch people before they leave for the holidays
      3. Action step: Amber will reach out by Friday the 29th about general availability 
    2. Set a date/time/location for next meeting
      1. Meeting every two weeks is a lot if we don’t have an event
      2. We could have a low-key social in November 
      3. Next Meeting: 16 November
      4. Action Item: Mandy will write for the Digest and Jeremy will post on Discord
      5. Action Item: Amber will make graphic 
    3. Upcoming Events: 
  • SLA: VanDusen Botanical Gardens Virtual Tour
    1. When: 11/22
    2. Google form sign-up sheet
  1. Meeting ended: 5:36pm

4 October 2021: Officer Election

Meeting Agenda – October 4, 2021 – Held in Terrace Lab, IKB 4th Floor

UBC ALA Student Chapter: Post-Election General Meeting (October)


Meeting called to order: 17:08 PST

Notes taken by club secretary: Alannah Berson



    1. Hello & Introductions
    2. Announce Election Results for 2021-22 Officers
      1. 13 responses
      2. Co-Chair: Mandy Furru
      3. Co-Chair: Amber Gallant
      4. Secretary: Alannah Berson
      5. Treasurer: Peyton Moriarty
      6. Webmaster: Jeremy Davet
    3. Recommendations/tips from end of year summary 
      1. Pandemic wiped membership and leadership, including access to accounts
      2. Underlines the importance of transition procedures
      3. Club did not have a budget and thus had few events since many other clubs had online events
      4. Recommendation: Renegotiate what this club should be for its’ members (strategic plan?)
      5. Not a lot of benefits for being officially constituted under the AMS (just a lot of paperwork)
    4. Add new members to ALA Officer Discord
    5. Make sure Amber, Peyton, Alannah have access to email
    6. Give Jeremy admin access to SCALA blog
    7. Next Club Meetings
      1. Have ALA rep attend
        1. LASSA: Oct 19 2021, 9:00am – 10:00am link
        2. SLA: Meeting 10 AM Thursday (Alannah is point person)
        3. BCLA: In the next week or so (Alanna is point person)
        4. ACA: Meeting tomorrow (6th October) – Peyton will let us know highlights
    8. Set a date/time/location for next meeting
      1. Every two weeks, to see how it works (Mandy will post a link in Discord)
    9. Event Ideas
  • Chai Chill
        1. BYOB, people can share tea
        2. Food Bank – Peyton 
        3. COVID guidelines – may need to check vax cards
        4. Ask LASSA (can we do food and beverage; Mandy will do this)
        5. https://www.when2meet.com/
      1. Professional Development Workshops (BCLA?)
        1. Email signatures
        2. Interview techniques
      2. Fun documentary viewing parties
      3. Guest Speakers – find out what SLA is doing
        1. What topics are members interested in hearing about?
          1. BC ELN 
          2. Business librarianship
          3. UX Librarianship
          4. Tech oriented stuff
          5. Scholarly communications
          6. Webinar – Library Futures
          7. Specialized Academic Librarians from UBC (GIS, Data Librarian)
          8. Special Collections downstairs IKB
  • Hold a Poll on LASSA Discord (Mandy will mention that in email to LASSA as well)


  1. Announcements
    1. LASSA Halloween Movie Night, Date TBD. Vote for the movie here.
    2. SLA@UBC Virtual Tour. When: Monday, November 8th, at 12pm. The Special Library Association will be hosting a virtual tour with the Yosef Wosk Library & Resource Centre, the library for the VanDusen Botanical Gardens and the Bloedel Conservatory. Sign up for their mailing list to receive further details when they are available: sla.slais.mail@gmail.com  
    3. Any other news of upcoming events?

Minutes 27 January 2021

Meeting Agenda – January 27, 2021 – Held on GoogleMeet

UBC ALA Student Chapter – General Meeting (January)


Meeting Start Scheduled: 12:00 PST

Notes taken by club secretary:



  1. Hello & Group Check-In
    1. If new members are present, introduce club officers.
  2. Approve Minutes from December Meeting & Post
    1. Approved
  3. Announcements
    1. Email from ALA NMRT Student Chapter Outreach Committee w/ invitation to connect with other ALA student chapters, swap ideas about planning events/getting speakers
    2. BCLA Student Chapter “Crafternoons” 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month
    3. Any other news of upcoming events?
      1. Not really.
  4. ALA Event Brainstorming
    1. General overwhelm of events. Unsure where is valuable to step in.
  5. Desire to update club constitution?
    1. Maybe? At this point, put on hold.


No future meetings scheduled at this time.


Meeting adjourned 12:30 PST



Minutes 14 December 2020

Meeting Agenda – December 14, 2020 – Held on GoogleMeet

UBC ALA Student Chapter – December Meeting


Meeting Start Scheduled: 16:15 PST, Called to order 16:20 PST

Notes taken by club secretary: 



  1. Hello & Group Check-In
  2. Approve Minutes from November Meeting & Post
    1. Approved
  3. Any further updates from IT re:old LASSA page?
    1. None, they never emailed back. 
  4. Event ideas 2021
    1. Very few date conflicts so far
      1. SLA@UBC tentative event planned for January 12th
      2. Event on Tuesday, January 19th 11-12 ((Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania???)
  5. Website: What to post?
    1. Mandy wants to learn the basics of running the website from Jentry/Kelso, but would like to set a date sometime in January.
      1. Set a date pre-January 11. 1st week? 


Meeting Adjourned: 17:15 PST


Minutes 09 November 2020

Meeting Agenda – November 9, 2020 – Held on GoogleMeet

UBC ALA Student Chapter – November Meeting

Meeting Start Scheduled: 16:15 PST; Meeting called to order 4:24 PST

Notes taken by club secretary: Alannah Berson



  1. Hello & Group Check-In
    1. PLA – Public Libraries (within ALA) – Webinar on health coverage initiatives Oct 21st. 1-2 Central  – Did anyone go? Just curious.
      1. Nobody present attended this event
  2. Approve Minutes from October Meeting & Post
    1. Minutes approved and posted to website by Jentry
    2. Details for club updated on ALA page
  3. Google – Is it still a problem? (My guess is yes.)
    1. Recovery Phone Number(s) – Account linked to a Google Device. Requires juggling between members due to geographic differences.
    2. Remember for succession planning.
      1. Mandy’s number currently listed as recovery phone
  4. IT Never got back to us re:old LASSA page – what to do?
    1. At this point just ignore it. Nothing we can do without help of IT or past presidents, which we have tried.
  5. Email Review:
    1. Judith F. Krug Memorial Fund IF Course Scholarship Application Open until Nov. 19, 2020
      1. https://blogs.ubc.ca/scala/ifya_scholarship_nov2020/
      2. Open to American students in the States for credit
      3. Relates to Freedom of Information, which is not a prominent topic in the iSchool at current
    2. NMRT Online Programs Committee Survey
      1. Link removed
      2. Post in LASSA Discord #announcements
    3.  ALA seeks student member volunteers to help facilitate a student networking session for Midwinter 2021
      1. Do not post
  6. Jobs:
    1. Seems remote friendly:
      1. Ask a Librarian at CU Boulder: https://www.colorado.edu/libraries/jobs-opportunities/ask-librarian-apprenticeship
      2. Sent on to Kevin Day for Job Board listing
  7. What to do? What to post?
    1. “Jentry, Kelso, and Mandy may have a future meeting to learn how to run the website.” Set up a time beginning of Term 2?
      1. December Chill Meeting – For planning
      2. Dec 14, 4:15PST
      3. Mandy – “Grand” events should be planned at the beginning of term rather than the end of term because students are dealing with final papers/exams by that point
  8. Meeting Adjourned: Move by Mandy, Second by Jentry – 17:14 PST

Minutes 22 September 2020

UBC ALA Student Chapter – Fall General Meeting & Election

September 22, 2020 – Held on GoogleMeet


Executives Present: Giovanna Maranghi, Jentry Campbell, Jeremy Davet

General Members: Brianna Henshaw, Manfred Nissley

Total Attendees: 5; 2 Sent regrets

Called to Order: 4:06pm

  1. Welcome to all attendees!
    1. Clarifying questions, what is the ALA, what do we do
    2. ALA offers online professional development
    3. Student membership is cheaper and offers access to those professional development opportunities.
    4. In regular times there is a subsidy for the ALA conference for students.
  2. Elections
    1. Candidates
      1. Chairs: Jentry Campbell
      2. Secretary: Alannah Berson
      3. Treasurer: Jeremy Davet
      4. Webmaster: No Candidates – Duties will be shared
      5. Late Write in for Chair #2: Mandy Furru
    2. Statements were made available to voters on our Discord server
    3. Voting
      1. Voting through a single-access Google Form
      2. Voting is open until midnight tonight
  3. General Business
    1. None raised

Motion to end by Jentry, Second by Jeremy: 4:25pm


Minutes 02 September 2020


UBC ALA Student Chapter – Fall Planning Executive Meeting

September 02, 2020 – Held on GoogleMeet


Meeting Start at 10:07AM, Wednesday 02 September

Present: Jentry Campbell (taking minutes), Jeremy Davet

Tardy: Giovanna Maranghi

  1. Updates
    1. Transition Procedure
      1. Add notes about incumbencies – Even if re-electing or running for re-election should create a transition document
      2. Update so web-master posts minutes from meetings as recorded by secretary
    2. Webpage
      1. New webpage created because of challenge with administrative privileges on former page
      2. Possibly put ALA’s message in quotes
      3. All links work
      4. Meeting minutes will be added as a page and then linked on the Meeting Minutes page
        1. Possibly create a table for past minutes, etc.
  2. LASSA Welcome Meeting & Slide
    1. LASSA Welcome is Tuesday 8 September 1-2PM
    2. Jeremy is attending & creating slide
    3. Co-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster all up for election
      1. Jeremy & Jentry planning on running, Gi is not, Keli is running for co-president
    4. Highlight ALA courses, etc.
    5. Next Digest for LASSA – Highlight call for elections
    6. Giovanna to send email with info on general election to LASSA, Post on LASSA discord – Email and post on 8 September
    7. Election is 4pm PDT on 22 September
  3. September General Meeting
    1. MEETING LINK: Link no longer active
    2. Election
      1. Closed ballot
      2. Election is 4pm PDT on 22 September
      3. Submissions for candidacy due 19 September by 5pm to ALA email
        1. Position running for, personal intro as to why they want position
    3. Constitution Amendments
      1. Amend name of school – Now School of Information
  4. Amendments to the Constitution
    1. Edit the name of the school to recognize the change
    2. Potentially add amendment to constitute transitionary process
  5. Discord
    1. Do we need rules?
    2. Wait for webmaster to be elected
  6. Reconstituting
    1. Do we want to? What is the benefit?
      1. Potential we could get funds but LASSA can sponsor our events
      2. Historically unknown if there is a benefit to go back to AMS
      3. Limited benefits especially in a digital environment
  7. COVID response events
    1. Highlight Professional Development
      1. Research Data Management Librarian course by Simmon (Free): https://rdmla.github.io/
      2. Library Juice Academy: https://libraryjuiceacademy.com/
      3. ALA courses: https://ecourses.ala.org/
      4. OCLC Courses (many free): https://www.webjunction.org/home.html
    2. Social Media is currently very dormant
    3. Working with Clubs
      1. SLA – Panel on Special Librarians
      2. Overall digital panel
        1. Challenges to scheduling, digital environment
      3. Work with iPOC


Motion to Conclude Meeting by Jentry – Second by Jeremy

Meeting concluded at 11:17am