Microscopic Critters ID
Pond water has lots of interesting critters in it. Here are a few that you will find in your sample.
Wolosyznskia is a dinoflagellate. This one has armour which helps it to keep its shape. It has two flagella (tails) that help it move.
Haematoccoccus is actually a green alga that is red….it can swim.
Euglena eat other organisms and can also photosythesize (make food from light). They also have a tail that helps them move.
Volvox is a big ball made up of many tiny cells. Each cell has two flagella (tails). The little circles inside is a daughter colony.
Micrasterias is a green alga known as a desmid. They have two identical halves.
Nostoc is made up of filaments in a slime ball. It is a type of bacteria that can photosynthesize (take energy from the sun to make food).
Spirygyra is a filamentous algae (long strings) that has spiral chloroplasts (the part of the cell that takes energy from the sun to make sugar = photosynthesis).