Some cool things that have drawn influence from Blade Runner.

m83’s album ‘Before the Dawn Heals Us’ is soaked in Vangelis’ aesthetic.

Here’s something about another of m83’s albums:

“I thought immediately of two different things when listening to Digital Shades, Vol. 1. The first is Vangelis’ soundtrack for Blade Runner. There is something in M83’s songs that was also inherent in Vangelis’, that being the theme of a machine striving to be human.”

Here’s a great song by them:

M83 – Teen Angst

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Blade Runner has also had quite a lot of influence on the fashion industry.

“You’ll Rent BladeRunner for Wardrobe Guidance.

Dolce & Gabbana looked to Judy Jetson for inspiration, while Balenciaga’s vibe was more Tron. Comme des Garçons played both sides (a plastic trench over a relatively old-fashioned suit), while Brit favorite Gareth Pugh’s fembots were dressed for Area 51. The future has arrived: Here’s what to wear.”

A couple of links:

Junko Shimada’s Bladerunner inspired Fall/Winter 08

A gallery of Bladerunner’s fashion

Post-Humanism and Ecocide in William Gibson’s Neuromancer and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner

2 thoughts on “Some cool things that have drawn influence from Blade Runner.

  1. Hung Te Tjia Post author

    Dang, you guys were right. This sounds pretty sweet. Thanks for the links John! Banks is now on my to-read list.

    This was the most interesting part of the wiki for me. It speaks to Zamyatin’s ‘We’ (if we assume that the Integral is going off-world for its stated purpose and not, as we theorized, as the ultimate self-reflective propagandistic tool.:

    “Although leading a comfortable life within the Culture, many of its citizens feel a need to be useful, and to belong to a society that does not merely exist for their own sake, but that also helps improve the lot of sentient beings throughout the galaxy. For that reason, the Culture carries out “good works”, covertly or overtly interfering in the development of lesser civilisations, with the main aim to bring them – often very gradually – closer to the Culture ideal in both technology and social norms. As Culture citizens see it, these good works provide the Culture with a “moral right to exist”.”

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