A8:Tuning in & Windplay | Vicky Cen

In class exercise

When I was standing at my backyard, I heard three types of sound: wind chime, neighbor talking, and noise in the atmosphere. I labelled their relationship as I am inside the cube. Then I recorded their frequency and duration in the diagram above.

Assignment 8


I chose to use a more abstract drawing to visualize the sound experience for this assignment. I was standing outside of my house with my eyes closed. I hear and I imagine. This drawing is how I felt at that moment. I forgot about the physical world and I would imagine I am standing in the darkness. It was chilly outside. I heard dry leaves jumping on the ground. I heard a bus and a bird in far. There was a hammer or some smashes that was not loud but unpleasant. And these sounds were wrapped by a wave of noise in the atmosphere. I was in the center of a tornado. I felt insignificant and weak compared to that noise. I felt like I was standing on a wire. The noise seemed like holding me in balance on a wire, but it was actually pulling and pushing me in all directions.


I made three pinwheels with three types of paper material: regular printing paper, flyer, tracing paper. They have different weights so I want to compare their movements in the wind.

It was not windy outside so I just blew them……

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