A1_Time to Align_Bruce

Bruce Pagnucco

Straight Lines

Story Lines

Backyard Setting (Counter Clockwise from top left to top right: 1, 5, 10, & 20 lines)

In class exercise (1)
In class exercise (2)
In class exercise 3

A1- Time to Align

Katie Hunks

Exploring the Line
Expressing Adjectives and Emotions
Representing a Scene

Variations in Material

Marker on Tissue/Paper

Assignment 1: Time to Align

Berend Kessler

in class exercise…a page of lines
playing with line
surfaces from lines
10 emotions 10 lines
10 adjectives 10 lines
observations + 1 line
…2 lines
…5 lines
…20 lines

Assignment #1 – Time to Align

Marissa Campbell

Experimenting with straight lines
Lines to express adjectives and emotions
Sahalli Park in the smoke with 1 line, 2 lines, 5 lines, 10 lines
In-class experiments filling a page
In-class sketches

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