Assignment 10 – Josh

Taste- Slurpee

Slurpee with 3 different flavours
This drawings shows the taste, feeling, and touch of drinking the slurpee.
Along with the flavour the color of the slurpee also changes over time

In Class exercise below:

A8 – Sound – Josh Fender

For this assignment I went out into my backyard at night and listened. Compared to the daytime sounds I noticed that most noise was indistinguishable.

Night time sound observations sketch
Day time sound observations sketch

Assignment 6 – Josh Fender

My visit to the coffee shop ‘Bean Scene’ in downtown Kelowna. I payed special attention to the sound and its sources while taking note of the various materials that give the place its cozy/hipster feeling.
Quick 30min in class exercise in which I anaylized the lighting in my living room

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