Chris Rothery – Assignment 02

I started A1 Early, before class because I had nothing else to do at the time.

I was in Seattle and I found this interesting little space on the University of Washington’s campus.

“9 Trees. 9Spaces.”
I wasn’t using the axonometric cube method before class. I found sketching the landscape, which actually leant itself really well to a cube based method, was kind of difficult for me not using the method. I found that by the 30 min drawing I was practiced enough at the shapes and reading the space, but the time was so long that I kept adding more and more details to fill the time, adding texture and etc that it came out quite busy. For better or for worse. Maybe slightly for worse.

In class sketching my room, I felt like I did pretty okay. The curves of the hammock and desk was most the most challenging part after figuring out the actual shape of the room.

I wanted to continue this method with a bit of actual landscapes, so I drew my original landscape. From memory.

I drew some more on campus. At one of the community gardens south of the landscape annex, and at the landscape annex itself.

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