Assignment 05

In front of me, I had three mystery objects and a variety of media (acrylic paint, pens, pencil, conte). After blindly selecting an object, I selected media that I thought would best convey how it felt.

The first object is a rock with a rough, irregular shape and texture, which has been cut transversely to reveal holes on the inside of the rock. Conte seemed to offer a lot of flexibility in ways of conveying the object. After drawing the object blindly and while seeing it, annotations were added with observations to compare the two approaches.

The second object is a cold piece of La Vache Qui Ri (a triangular wedge-shaped piece of cream cheese wrapped in tinfoil packaging). It was finger-painted with acrylic paint. I wanted to be able to touch the paper directly with my hand rather than using a tool for mark-making. Finger-painting limited the kinds of lines I could make, but seemed to work for something that was cold and smooth.


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