Assignment 08

In-class exercise: visualizing backyard sounds

Attempt #2: This version adds context and spatializes the sounds drawn in the previous version to show where the sounds are coming from in relation to the observer. I also drew myself to show my scale in relation to the distant and near sounds. Tuning In: sounds at Spanish Banks beach. I created sound recordings at 9 different locations on Spanish Banks Beach on Friday at 7pm after a heavy rainfall. It was dark and low tide, and there was some brief drizzling while I was there.

Context map showing major transportation routes/locations contributing to noise pollution heard on site.

This video shows spectrograms displaying sound frequency (pitch) in Hz over time for each of the 9 audio recordings in sequence. Colours represent amplitude (loudness) in dB.

Windplay: exploring sound and movement with wind. I taped together sheets of iridescent cellophane to a carboard tube to catch the wind. The material is extremely sensitive to even the slightest breeze.  Both the large scale wave-form movement of the whole sheet and the small scale movements of little creases within the sheet contributed to the sound. When tested outside, the sheet movement showed how wind intensity and direction changed over time. When tested inside afterwards using a fan at full blast, the movements were much faster and much louder and resembled water. The fact that the material catches different colors in the light when it moves made me more in tune to the little movements (and also the sounds from the little crinkles) which further enhanced my experience of the sound.


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