All posts by Charlotte Chen

Assignment11-Charlotte Chen

In-class exercise

The takeaway from the course. We started with macro-analysis of the environment exploring the relationship among sites. With cube analysis, we studied spatial circulation within the site as well as with the surroundings. As the course developed, we dig into a deeper and more detailed sense, focusing on specific objects, to learn what sensory experiences they brought to us.

creepy (? version

Drawer knob exploration

Assignment10-Charlotte Chen


In-class exercise

I use only one side of my teeth to eat so most of my taste sense concentrates on one side of the tongue. As different parts of the tongue have their own sensitive flavour, I conducted this map during eating. As the first thing-pickle had so strong flavour that it influenced later taste sensory. I still had the sour flavour in my mouth while eating sausage.

Drinking object

Assignment09-Charlotte Chen

In-class Exercises

Smelling the seawall

Seaweed on the rocks capture salty seawater which makes the smell stay longer, the wind blowing from the sea strengthens the smell. As the wind was gusting from the sea to seawall, similar to the waves forming several rounds of ripples, smell also shaped an overlayed radiation wave. Like seawater waves disappeared when hitting the rocks, the smell faded away over time.

Smelling in the forest

The smell radiation changed into a different type of overlaying in the forest. Like diverse trees overlayed with each other using their canopy leaving a clear space underneath, the smells of these vegetation, twigs, streams interacted with each other making a natural smell harmony to the center (where I stand). I was surrounded by trees, also surrounded by the combination of smells.

Although leaves smell similar, when they are crushed, they produced different, distinctive, some gentle, some aggressive scents.

Here is the smell map recording my smell experience from UBC village along way back home.

Assignment08-Charlotte Chen

Tuning in

I went to the open space near Harvey Reginald MacMillan Cairn on a rainy day testing out the differences of raindrops hitting different materials.

-umbrella (fabric)
-vegetation leaves

Also, the gradual change of sound when a car was passing.


I cut tracing paper into strips of different widths and fixed them on cardboard. I also included a tissue strip and the package of potato chips to find out different reactions of different materials.

In-class exercise



Assignment 06-Charlotte Chen

I spent a couple of hours in Starbucks close to my home. One of the strongest senses I got as soon as I walked into the café is the smell of the coffee, which remained noticeable when I was talking to the cashier and barista. (showed in red on drawings, may not clear after scanning. ) Audio filled in the small space-people chatting(more on the front desk side, and outside seating), machine functioning, alarms. Yellow lines show the main routes I noticed during my stay in the café.

I sat on a black smooth wooden chair, with a round table that had brown wood pattern on its surface. The window next to me was framed with silver metals.

In-class exercise

Assignment 5-Charlotte Chen

I asked my roommate to put randomly 6 things into bags. Here are the other 5 except for the one I chose.

Blind-folded drawing: I tried to draw the object from different sides as well as the uneven texture it has.

After the object (nail polish) was revealed, I realized the body of the bottle was transparent which was skipped when I temporarily lost my sight.

In-class exercise