All posts by lauren wolfe

Lauren Wolfe – 11

walking around the neighbourhood and noticing all the different types of water features, some functional (rain water management) and some decorative, providing noise diffusion. Also noticing all the different public seating options available, from park benches to swings.


class wrap-up image – symbols of each assignment with a graph expressing my personal enjoyment in comparison to each.

Lauren Wolfe – Assignment 8

Walking in Pacific Spirit Park, with a daycare on one side and the forest on the other. Chirping birds, laughing children and my own movement in the wet earth were the most prominent sounds. Image on the left I tried to draw how the sounds felt. Image on the right I tried a 3d scan of the forest and then imposed a digital version of the sounds. Below is the audio file that corresponds with the experience.

Wind Play

Lauren Wolfe – Assignment 9

Walking the beach on Stanley Park I mapped the sites my dog, Felix, stopped and was sniffing. I imagined that he was able to smell what I could not. The green saturation spots are where I tried to represent what those smells might feel like for him. Below, while on site, I 3d scanned the places he was most interested in.

Smelling Stanley Park. Below are three images that represent not what I smelled while at the park but how I noticed the air felt and how smell hung in the air. On the beach the air smelled fresh and light and transient. As we moved deeper into the forest the air clung to the place, it felt less light and more heavy.

sketch of my initial sense of being in the three locations

Lauren Wolfe – Assignment 6

Take home assignment

sounds while I work

temperature sitting at the desk with baseboard heater at my feet and window in front that is cracked

a rub of the textures in my office area – types of smooth and hard

the light through the curtains in the living room

In class assignment

benches in courtyard – gaps everywhere! red where I thought would feel uncomfortable, blue how it actually felt smooth

furniture in courtyard – arrows how I thought it would rotate, red marks where it didn’t move

Lauren Wolfe Assignment 5

Blindfolded Drawing in Class

Part 1: looking for form




Part 2: drawing how it feels in my hand

1 whole hand pressed against one side

2 holding it mostly from the bottom 

3 light touch at the top on either side

No longer blindfolded. It’s a cup!

At Home, Still Blindfolded

1 looking for form

2 feeling pressure points of where the curves meet my fingers

3 drawing the texture

4 actual object, it’s a glass sea anemone. after drawing blindfolded I saw the object differently and instead of drawing the outline I saw the textural markers more clearly