All posts by tarea heshka


This first page shows the parameter I created; the categories, attributes, and assignment colour/textures used to describe a flavour

This sheet is the analysis using page one parameters. Open to interpretations, but it is supposed to show which flavours or sensations are more intense or take over taste buds. Also can show the sensations of chewing to swallow, or multiple bites.

Assignment 8 – Sound Sketching

I took my previous approach to sound sketching but implemented it in a louder indoor space rather than a soft outdoor space. Sounds here are much more muddled together than in the outdoor space where each sound could be pin pointed to a location. When inside an open concept cafe the sounds really do mix together creating this blanket of very loud flowing noise. It was hard to distinguish what was loudest at times since it was all continuous yet sporadic. Link to video here –

Not sure why my images are blurry.