Assignment10-Charlotte Chen


In-class exercise

I use only one side of my teeth to eat so most of my taste sense concentrates on one side of the tongue. As different parts of the tongue have their own sensitive flavour, I conducted this map during eating. As the first thing-pickle had so strong flavour that it influenced later taste sensory. I still had the sour flavour in my mouth while eating sausage.

Drinking object

A10 – Taste

First was our group pickle. This was the spicy pickle but salt was the main flavor I experienced. I examined the pickle with tongue and tooth independently before experiencing the pickle as a whole bite.

Next was strawberry. My biggest observation was something that I wasn’t thinking about, but another student pointed out: that each strawberry, even picked at the same time from the same farm, was pretty diffrent in flavor.

The bagel was such a mixture of flavors that I don’t actually know how to describe with words that arent just a retelling of the ingredients. Experientially the difference between inner and outer texture was the most important observation.

At home I decided to go for a cup of tea. The experience of the cup of tea changes with every sip, as the tea cools, steeps, and more.