Chloe Naese

Week 8: Chloe Naese

In-Class Assignment: Sounds around my building as a score [will revisit]

Tuning In Exercise: Mapping sounds on campus and their associations

Windplay Exercise:

I created a wind sculpture out of watercolor and trace paper. The watercolor paper served as a structural element from which to affix trace paper strips. First I created one that had a curvilinear spine with trace wrapped around it. Then I figured I would test out a second option, which was watercolor paper strip fixed in a circle with trace hanging from it. I initially brought them outside behind my apartment, but because it is a small park enclosed by mid rise buildings there was no wind. I moved to an alley way next to two high rises because I know there is always a wind tunnel there. The wind sculptures produced slightly different sounds:  the first one produced scrapping sounds as the trace hit the watercolor paper whereas the second created loud, shuddering, crinkly noises as the trace bumped itself.



Week 6 – Chloe Naese

In-Class Assignment – Buchanan

Assignment 6- Texture Walk outside of Iona House

Observations during walk

Tactile chart of materials and things along the walk


Texture rubbings from these materials

Texture map along my walking route: colors are mixed based off of where they lie on the chart

Drawing Revisit

Week 5 – Chloe Naese

In-class Exercise: shell
While blindfolded, I tried to convey the shell’s elliptical form and rough, gritty texture. When I drew it without the blindfold, the smooth texture and the shininess of its interior surface stood out the most as this was not as noticeable through touch.

Assignment 5 – Scrunchie
My mysterious object was a scrunchie. While drawing blindfolded, I immediately noticed its wrinkly/wavy texture and how it could be flattened and stretched. I also felt a material change between two small smooth rubbery patches and the soft fabric.
When drawing with sight, I tried to portray the shadows created by the folds.

Week 3

In-Class Assignment

Tracking traffic, birds and people outside my building.

Assignment 3
During in-class assignment, I really enjoyed tracking birds’ movements and figured I would do it again with a hummingbird that I’ve noticed outside my apartment – it is there in the same spot everyday. I turned on my stopwatch and noted every time the bird was chirping, silent, flying to the bird feeder on a balcony, etc. I found it hard to represent time in the spatial diagram, so I drew a separate sound diagram. However, it would be interesting to figure out how to combine the two.

Notes from watching

Draft sketch

Sound diagram

Final diagram