
Assignment 5 – Roxane Gregoire

In Class Assignement

Blind drawings:

With Sight:

Assignement 5

Blind Drawings:

In the last two section drawings, I was trying to show the rough under part. Also by blindly exploring this pottery, I found a bump inside of it that I probably would not have noticed without it.

With Sight:

With my sight, I was able to see the beautiful poke dot glazing pattern on the pottery and the signature of my friend underneath.

Assignment 07

Analysis of how the body moves when using an indoor staircase at home.

Imagining the staircase as an instrument and the body as the musician. Questions that came up: What sounds does it make? Does it change when you move fast or slow? What does a harmonious staircase feel or sound like? How would this change between staircases that are designed differently?

Regarding inclusive design: someone elderly or with an injury or disability might need to move more slowly. A left-handed person might want a railing on the left when going down for balance.