
Lauren Wolfe – Assignment 6

Take home assignment

sounds while I work

temperature sitting at the desk with baseboard heater at my feet and window in front that is cracked

a rub of the textures in my office area – types of smooth and hard

the light through the curtains in the living room

In class assignment

benches in courtyard – gaps everywhere! red where I thought would feel uncomfortable, blue how it actually felt smooth

furniture in courtyard – arrows how I thought it would rotate, red marks where it didn’t move


I started by walking without sight, down a set of stairs in the orchard. The lines represent the experience of my hand, the experience of my foot, with annotations and connected to a axonometric mapping of the actual staircase.

Next I set out to diagram the vibrations of the various handrails, where some feel really unstable and some felt really secure. Ultimately in connection to how well they are supported by walls.


Lastly for homework I wanted to explore the relationship between the door and stairwell in the landscape annex – the most awkward door I have ever encountered. I wanted to try a new style of sketching directly on top of digital photography. In this case it was only somewhat successful.

Laureen Stokes – Assignment 7

Tapping pattern to test adhesion at the vinyl, wood patterned flooring.

Tapping pattern on the tile adjacent to the window.

Sketches of material defects observed through touch.

Shadows and surface at the corner of the window with plan detail.

Study of the helical stairs leading to my laundry space, including stepping and hand grasping pattern during the ascent and descent.

Experimenting with different ways of drawing the handgrasping pattern and body position while ascending the staircase. The lower sketch shows the material changes underfoot.


Assignment 06


In-class exercise: Tactile studies of ergonomics and comfort of concrete bench in Buchanan courtyard.

At home: Tactile body experience of foot on floor materials

Touch map of feet on floor materials. Areas where floor materials were wet, had low friction materials, and grade changes required more cautious footsteps. Areas that were flat, dry with higher friction materials allowed for more carefree, comfortable footsteps.

Week 6 – Chloe Naese

In-Class Assignment – Buchanan

Assignment 6- Texture Walk outside of Iona House

Observations during walk

Tactile chart of materials and things along the walk


Texture rubbings from these materials

Texture map along my walking route: colors are mixed based off of where they lie on the chart

Drawing Revisit

Assignment 06-Charlotte Chen

I spent a couple of hours in Starbucks close to my home. One of the strongest senses I got as soon as I walked into the café is the smell of the coffee, which remained noticeable when I was talking to the cashier and barista. (showed in red on drawings, may not clear after scanning. ) Audio filled in the small space-people chatting(more on the front desk side, and outside seating), machine functioning, alarms. Yellow lines show the main routes I noticed during my stay in the café.

I sat on a black smooth wooden chair, with a round table that had brown wood pattern on its surface. The window next to me was framed with silver metals.

In-class exercise