Roxane Grégoire

Assignment 9 – Roxane Gregoire

Class: We went to the sea wall to experiment with different natural smells. During this exploration I drew the object that was representative of what I was smelling around me. From the sea salt to the woody decomposition of a tree.

When I came back home I went on a walk to my usual spot: Jericho Beach. A similar smell occurred to me. So instead of drawing them again, I drew a map of the smell intensity and space during my walk.

Assignment 5 – Roxane Gregoire

In Class Assignement

Blind drawings:

With Sight:

Assignement 5

Blind Drawings:

In the last two section drawings, I was trying to show the rough under part. Also by blindly exploring this pottery, I found a bump inside of it that I probably would not have noticed without it.

With Sight:

With my sight, I was able to see the beautiful poke dot glazing pattern on the pottery and the signature of my friend underneath.