This was a very busy week. There is only two more weeks until practicum is over and there is a lot of units that need to be wrapped up before the end of those two weeks. I have just started on a new research project with the students which I hope to have it finished within the two weeks and we are still wrapping up our science unit. I started social studies but we have been having quite a few Fridays off in the past weeks only giving me Thursdays for socials which isn’t enough time for the unit I am doing. Therefore, I have to figure out a way where I can end off and my SA’s could possibly continue the rest for me and finish it off. I would hate to abruptly end a unit or rush it for the sake of the remaining time I have. I have also started ‘Reading Clocks’ for Math which is a long unit that requires a great amount of of practice and time in order to fully and successfully understand it therefore I am not trying to rush even if there are only two weeks left.  As you can see, I have a lot to figure out and I am trying not to stress about it.

There wasn’t a lot of exciting highlights this week but we did learn about saving the bee’s in Science. It was inspiring to see how affected the students were about our bee population. They were devastated that we were losing bees especially because we have been talking about plants for weeks now and how important they are and how we might lose an abundance of plants if bees start to become extinct. I had named just a few of the plants that we would lose if bees became extinct and they were absolutely heart-broken. I think they were shocked that bees played such a huge and important role in helping pollinate plants that give us food. It was definitely a fact that they had previously not been very aware of. So many kids admitted to previously disliking bees and sometimes even destroying their homes for fun not realizing that they may actually be harming the population. They had many great ideas of how they would try to help and protect our bees. Overall, I think it was a successful lesson because it really made the students think and ponder over the reality of whats happening in the world currently. I always think it’s important to let students know what’s happening around the world and how they may be able to help change it for the better. Although they are only kids, they are the future generation and we can hope that they will use their knowledge to create a more positive world.

1 thought on “PRACTICUM WEEK 8:

  1. jonesrox

    It is difficult coming to the end of practicum or a school year for that matter and realizing that there is still so much to cover. That is where not stressing, realizing you have done the best you can, wrapping up as well as you can, and sending the kids forward in an unstressed way is a good skill to discover.
    I agree that teaching children about world events is a good thing but remembering they are children with high sensitivity and many of them with a proclivity for anxiety is important in presentation. Focussing on what is being done and can be done to solve the problem is so important for young ones, with an emphasis on it not being their fault, but all of them being able to help the future.


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