Sketchers; walk your way to injury

Sketchers’s Shape-Up shoes are said to aid in weight-loss and exercise, but the focus on the shoes have changed. According to ABC News and Kansas InjuryBoard,  an Ohio lawsuit blames the shoes for serious hip fractures.

Holly Ward, age 38, currently has pins in her hips as a result of wearing Sketcher’s Shape-Ups. The outcome is outrageous. The product deemed to assist in weight-loss has turned to one that assist in injury “gain”.

Sketcher’s Shape-Ups lead the way to Reebok Easy Tone, New Balance Rock and Tone, and many other “weight-loss” footwear. But if the result is injury, the development of more of it’s kind may prove to be deleterious to the health of it’s consumers.

Faulty advertising of Sketcher Shape-Ups

Sketcher’s Shape-Ups was the first of it’s kind, and has held the market position of being the “original”. However, it’s faulty design and harmful effects have paved a way to negative reputation and lawsuits.

Ashley Moline’s blog about toning shoes brings up a good point, that companies need to “distinguish between realistic and unrealistic advertisements”. Sketchers promised their consumers benefit, but all that they provided was injury and disappointment.

I believe that if it’s reputation is put at risk, all the revenue generated through the sales of it’s shoes will not be enough to negate the negative effects caused.

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