Recent Workshops Attended in University of British Columbia,
I solute the teachers and facilitators at Teaching, Learning and Technology Center; Medical Library and Student Graduate Services at University of British Columbia for providing education and support for staff and students.
- Peer review of teaching community of practice meeting, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Game-based learning in higher education, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Facilitation & facilitators: We focus on the journey, rather than the destination Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Getting started in Connect-Online teaching software, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Connect Express-Managing your course, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Diversity and inclusivity in the classroom, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- From student to teacher: Becoming a TA, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Working with faculty as a TA, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Classroom assessment techniques, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- E-portfolios, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Effective presentations for the classroom and beyond, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Technology for teaching, Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology.
- Mendeley, Reference management software, Research Commons.
- Writing skills for postgraduate students, Faculty of Graduate Studies.
- GPS, Career services Event: Resume and cover letter clinic.
- Writing course of graduate students, Continuing education online (4- months course)
- WordPress