Background Literature and Reports
- Dave Weaver, RPF. (2010). Silviculture Survey Procedures Manual. Ministry of Forests, Forest Practices Branch.
- The State of British Columbia’s Forests, 3rd edition. (2010) Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication. Forest Practices and Investment Branch, B.C. Ministry of Forests, Mines and Lands
- Daowei Zhang and Peter H. Pearse (1997). The influence of the form of tenure on reforestation in British Columbia. Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 98, Issue 3
- Forest Practices Board. (2006). Species Composition and Regeneration in Cutblocks in Mountain Pine Beetle Areas, Special Investigation.
- Forest Practices Board. (2006). How much of British Columbia’s forest is not satisfactorily restocked? And what should be done about it? Special Report.
Online Resource and Statistics:
- Silviculture Program Statistics: Annual Reports of Silviculture Investments and Accomplishments, MFLNRO, Resource Practices Branch.
- Resource Practices – Publications for Silviculture, MFLNRO, Resource Practices Branch.
Here we will share information that can contribute to the conversation-please feel free to suggest reports, studies or other material we can post
In 2009 my husband Jeff and I wrote a paper for the ABCFP on stocking standards and stewardship. The report has a lot of information that relates to the questions you are asking. It can be found here:
Thanks Eleanor!
Here is a report by the FPB regarding results analysis that is relevant to the topics addressed on this page:
Thanks Judah!