Reflection: Span365

Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on Reflection: Span365

It’s absolutely insane to think how fast this semester has gone. Where was this time-flying ability back in October?? Looking back through all my blogs, we certainly covered a lot of interesting material. I have never been much for literature, analysis…

Conclusiones de Span 365

Posted by: | April 11, 2010 | Comments Off on Conclusiones de Span 365

I have thoroughly enjoyed this class. I think that the structure of the class – the blogs, commentary, paragraph discussion, etc – created a community in class in which students were able to develop opinions about the readings both in and out of clas…

Magical Realism: an inside joke?

Posted by: | April 10, 2010 | Comments Off on Magical Realism: an inside joke?

Wow, it’s hard to believe how unbelievably fast this semester (or this year, or the past 4 years even) have gone by. Sitting here writing this last blog post, I’m trying to reflect through the whirlwind that has been the semester to try to come to ter…

Entre Los Tres Libros

Posted by: | April 8, 2010 | Comments Off on Entre Los Tres Libros

Yes yes, I know. This is incredibly late to be posting this topic. Genius that I am forgot to copy/paste this entry out of my notes when it was due – I was too happy about going to bed/sleeping to remember to completely fulfill the homework for the eve…


Posted by: | April 5, 2010 | Comments Off on McOndo

¡Qué mundo distinto es ese de McOndo! Las cosas son todas posibles, la magia es inexistente, lo que resulta en algo con que el lector se identifique mejor.Esa es la característica que más me llamó la atención: la realidad de las cosas, a punto qu…


Posted by: | April 5, 2010 | Comments Off on Mcondo

Pienso que esto es la ultima entrada de blog del curso? Que rápido pasa el tiempo. A mi me gusta mucho Mcondo. Es interesante de ver el estilo del realismo mágico en tiempos modernos en vez de en momentos históricos o leyendas. Es más fácil relac…

McOndo – Introducción

Posted by: | April 5, 2010 | Comments Off on McOndo – Introducción

The Name: McOndoI think the name of this collection of stories is a little troubling. While Fuguet and Gómez explain they respect GGM for his contribution to Latin American literature, they dislike how it reduced the identity of L.Am literature to the…

The Trifecta Completed

Posted by: | March 29, 2010 | Comments Off on The Trifecta Completed

For some reason I had a feeling this day would come. Today is a joyous day, a day of celebration, for I have the distinct honor of writing a highlight reel of my literary adventures. Well, okay, I’m really not as excited as the preceding sentence might…

SPAN365 comparando marquez, carpentier, asturias…

Posted by: | March 29, 2010 | Comments Off on SPAN365 comparando marquez, carpentier, asturias…

No sé exactamente como un autor se sienta a una mesa y se pone a escribir una obra que cambie el mundo. Creo que Cien años de soledad es una de esas obras. Con eso no quiero decir que haya salvado vidas aunque eso no es imposible. Lo que quiero de…

Una comparación

Posted by: | March 28, 2010 | Comments Off on Una comparación

Una comparación entre los tres libros leídos… ni sé por donde empezar. Un buen lugar, creo, es con algo que escribí hace un rato: yo no veo Leyendas de Guatemala como una obra de realismo mágico, sino de fantasía con un elemento (pequeño) de r…

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