Challenging Divides & Surfacing Connections: Research, Policy, and Practice in Early Childhood Education
In its second conference, SPARK invites conference participants to submit proposals where they share their work within the field of early childhood education (ECE), with submissions especially encouraged around the theme of exploring the boundaries and intersections that exist between and across research, policy, and practice. In selecting this particular theme, SPARK seeks to encourage students, practitioners, advocates, and scholars to challenge, explore and surface collaborative ways to engage with the symbolic, material, geographical, socio-cultural, and emotional diversity that can characterize our field.
We encourage presenters working with and/or engaged in research about young children in any discipline (such as, but not limited to, education, psychology, health, sociology, psychiatry, nursing, and social work) to submit proposals.
We welcome proposals from graduate and undergraduate students, practitioners, professors, and advocates who have a research or professional interest in the early childhood field. The submissions can include storytelling, children’s stories, art, and other media; as well as educators’ life experiences, or any ECE research, inquiry projects, case studies, or published writings, that deliberately contribute to bridging diverse knowledge and inspire discussions around our conference theme.
We encourage proposals in areas such as, but not limited to:
- Indigenous research and practices in early learning and child care
- Early literacy and language development
- Family, community, and cultural involvement
- Socio-emotional development, mental health, and well being
- Professional development, teacher education, and practice
- Early childhood educators’ pre-service training
- Inclusion, early intervention, and special education
- Pedagogical approaches, curriculum development, and outdoor learning
- Assessment and pedagogical documentation
- Educational administration, leadership, and policy
- Digital technologies and multimodality
We accept submissions in the following formats:
- Academic paper. Please submit an abstract (250 words max.) that outlines the issues or research questions explored, perspectives or theoretical framework used, research methods, findings, and conclusions/implications. Your presentation should be 15-20 minutes in length. Please note that if there are not enough spaces in the program to accommodate all academic paper presentations, some proposals may be accepted as posters.
Please note that the conference proceedings will be published online. If you are interested in having your paper considered for publication, please mention it when submitting your proposal. A limited number will be included in the final publication.
2. Poster. Please submit an abstract (250 words max.) that outlines a) the ways in which theory and practice are enacted in an early childhood setting, or b) an issue or research question explored, perspectives or theoretical framework used, research methods, findings, and conclusions/implications. Posters are meant to be an engaging visual representation of your work/finding that will engage attendees in discussion around your work.
3. Sharing Circles. Please submit an abstract (250 words max.) describing the main topic of the circle. Sharing circles are meant to foster open and interactive discussions related to research, policy, and/or practice. Participants will collaborate to explore challenges, share ideas and solutions, and /or present pedagogical narratives, materials, or reflections. Each circle will last 90 minutes.
4. Workshop. Please submit an abstract (250 words max.) outlining the rationale for the workshop and planned activities. With an interactive format, workshops will involve the exploration of an area of practice through, for instance, documentation, extended discussion, brainstorming, mini-tutorials, or concept demonstration sessions. Each workshop will last 90 minutes.
Submission process
Click on the link below to upload your 250 words abstract as a Word document with the following format: Arial font, 12 points, double-spaced. All proposals will be blind peer-reviewed so do not include any identifying information in your abstract for your submission to be considered.
Submit your proposal by February 11, 2019, by using this Submission Link.
Please keep in mind that if your proposal is selected you will be required to:
- Submit a 50 words abstract to be included in the program.
- Send the PowerPoint/Prezi/Word document of your presentation (compatible version) in advance and no later than May 6th, 2019.
- Register for the conference.
We look forward to receiving your proposal!
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any inquiries or concerns regarding the proposal submission or the conference: