Sustainability, worth the investment?

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Puma has recently announced their abolishment of shoe boxes and replacing them with their new “clever little bag”.

With companies constantly talking about going “green”, the real question is whether it’s actually morals talking, or something more.

The environment has become a hot topic for everyone, and is constantly in the lime  light. Whether it’s in the news or an argument between politicians, it’s hard to ignore it. Companies are jumping on  the eco-bandwagon left, right and center, so it’s hard to believe it’s all out of good will.

I’d like to believe companies did it because they seriously felt strongly about it, but the fact of life is that they are corporations, and they need to make profit. Saying that you’re going green is a huge turn on for consumers, and aims to make people feel better about buying your brand. Will more people buy Puma’s because they changed their shoe boxes? Most likely, no.

But the positive image they portray to people, and the longterm benefit of saying on paper and electricity makes i a smart decision for the company none of the less. Paying $120 for shoes never made me feel less guilty.



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