Being the first day of December, people are already posting carols on Facebook and I can’t help but roll my eyes a little.
Costco has their holiday decorations out by late July, may others right after Halloween.
Born a Christian in the United Kingdom, I know all too well what the holiday is about, but I don’t see where in the Christian faith it says we have to buy people presents, share Christmas cards, or set up a Christmas tree.
Yet here we are, Christians, Atheists, Muslims, Buddhists and just about everyone spending our savings on gifts for friends, family, and significant others.
More than one quarter of personal income is spent just on this holiday season.
I applaud the conjoined efforts of marketing everywhere that lured people in to thinking this way, encouraging it, and spreading it to people outside of Christianity.
I’m all for everyone celebrating Christmas, but I definately think we need to step back and realize that it’s no about giving your friend a $60 game that makes him happy, it’s your time and consideration. Despite what companies tell you.
My parents don’t see it this way, unfortunately, so I still owe them a gift.