Tag Archives: Steen and Stina

Week 5: Steen and Stina Inquiry Presentation: Generating Questions for Inquiry

Please Read the Following Articles

  1. Clifford, P., & Friesen,S.(2007). Creating Essential Questions http://galileo.org/teachers/designing-learning/resources/creating-essential-questions/
  2. Pinsonneault, S., & Malhi, K. (2004). How can teachers support gender equity in their classrooms? http://einsights.ogpr.educ.ubc.ca/v08n03/articles/genderequity.html

Entry Slip

  1. Where do inquiry questions come from?
  2. Where did your inquiry questions or themes come from?
  3. What constitutes a good inquiry question?
  4. Be willing to share four questions or themes from your top 10 list

Have a good weekend and see you all on Thursday @1:30pm