Alice and the Wonderland- Field Trip

Today there was a lot of excitement in the class as there was a field trip. The class was driving over to North Delta Secondary to watch Alice and the Wonderland.

This was my second field trip with the class. My main concern or something I was questioning was the behaviour management of the class. How would the student behave especially where there were not as many parents around to help out. Overall, the students did a great job. There were not complications to mishaps, however, I feel there could have been a different approach for behaviour management. As a member of the SEL cohort we are instructed to take an empathetic approach when dealing with students, but how would that work in this case? What would you say to the students to ensure they listen? Is it necessary to have some sort of negative repercussion associated for any disobedience?

I had a hard time wrapping my thoughts around these questions.

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  1. The word discipline means learning. When students misbehave the goal would be to help them realize that their actions are not successful for them and others and learn new ways of acting. This requires relationship with the students and a plan of intervention. It is not always easy.

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