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Sustainability Stories, what for?

I believe that we all learn a lot through stories. Starting from a young age, we learn lessons from stories that range from how to get along with your siblings, to how to use the potty, to how to take better care of this planet. Oral stories are also very powerful, where we can learn from what other people experienced in perhaps a different time or circumstance.

Sustainability can be a vague topic, whereby people have different interpretations of what it means and what is looks like. I believe that in sharing Sustainability related stories, people of all ages can learn from others’ examples, find inspiration and sometimes easy steps to contribute to sustainability themselves. As a teacher, I see many students struggle with the concept of sustainability in that the troubles of the environment can be so overwhelming and therefore unmotivating to even “bother” trying to make a dent in the problem.

I believe that people need to feel that they can make a difference in a positive way but in an easy way too. Little steps, examples, stories from others can all lead to positive action and change. Do you have any Sustainability Stories that you would like to share? If so, please do!

My dad was the king of story telling and nature loving. Thanks dad for sharing this love with me.

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